About Us
About Tudor Scientific Glass
Thank you for your interest in Tudor Scientific Glass Company!! Forty-plus years ago we began manufacturing and repairing borosilicate-type and quartz-type glassware products, making us the the oldest glass company in the Southeast, and have proven to be dependable, affordable, and generally nice people to do business with.
We have been supplying all standard research laboratory glassware and related items like supports, mantles, controllers, clamps and such in every state and many countries around the world.
Many people think of us as the glass repair people...because they call on us to put it back together for them when it gets broken or cracked or chipped. Indeed, we pride ourselves on this fabulous service and our step-by-step brochure tells how you, too, can begin taking advantage of this fine service for your company.
However, that is only a part of the story...for we also manufacture a complete line of jointed glassware. In fact, we can duplicate a sample, make from a drawing, or fill your order from a catalog number even if it is someone else's catalog!
The Tudor Scientific website shows a variety of commonly used glassware...but keep in mind we manufacture many more items than can be displayed.
To top off the bargain, we offer the only glassware warranty that will repair or replace a new Tudor manufactured item for half-price or less should you break it for any reason!
How can I contact tudorscientific.com?
Tudor Scientific is committed to providing you with world-class customer service. Our professional customer service representatives are available five days a week to answer all of your questions.
Customer Service:
Email Pricing Information:
sales@tudorscientific.comMailing Address:
Tudor Scientific Glass Co.
555 Edgefield Road
Belvedere, SC 29841